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邮 编:100029
地 址:北京市朝阳区德胜门外祁家豁子华严里40号 竺南中心
重点方向三: 区域气候和气候极值
Research Strategy III: Regional climate and climatic extremes
[2019-04-20]3. 区域气候和气候极值(动力和统计降尺度)
3. Regional Climate and Extremes (Dynamic and statistical downscaling)
Heads: Odd Helge Otter. (UniRe/BCCR), Dabang Jiang (NZC)
Overall goal : Understanding changes and variability in regional climate and extremes for past, present and future
(1) Analysis of CORDEX simulations over Asia for present and future
(2) Combine dynamical downscaling with paleo proxy-data to explore climate changes in the past
(3) Explore and understand the mechanism driving the regional climate and extremes