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Research Progress人为影响增加了中国东部夜间热应激风险
Anthropogenic Influence Has Increased the Nighttime Heat Stress Risks in Eastern China
Nights with high temperatures and humidity often bring more fatal consequences during the human sleeping process. A significantly increasing trend in the intensity and frequency of humid‐heat nights has been observed in eastern China from 1961 to 2014. Based on a detection technique, the anthropogenic influence, specifically greenhouse gas forcing, has been identified as the primary driver of these changes. Despite some mitigation, the intensity and frequency of humid‐heat nights are projected to keep increasing under different warming scenarios. Consequently, the population exposed to these events, particularly in northern regions, will continue to grow. Urgent implementation of adaptation measures is crucial to mitigate the escalating risks posed by nighttime heat stress in eastern China.
图:单因子和双因子检测分析中中国东部夏季湿热夜(a) (c)强度和(b) (d)频次对不同外强迫响应的尺度因子β的最优估计值(中心点)和5%-95%的不确定性范围(误差棒)
Fig. Figure. Scaling factors (data points) and their 5%–95% uncertainty range (error bars) resulting from the optimal fingerprint analyses in the (a) (c) intensity and (b) (d) frequency of summer humid-heat nights over eastern China using single-signal and two-signal analyses, respectively.