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Research Progress模式预估的2002−2018年中国温度变化可信吗?
How skillful was the projected temperature over China during 2002–2018?
Climate change has attracted significant attention due to its increasing impacts on various aspects of the world, and future climate projections are of vital importance for associated adaptation and mitigation, particularly at the regional scale. However, the skill level of the model projections over China in the past more than ten years remains unknown. In this study, we retrospectively investigate the skill of climate models within the Third (TAR), Fourth (AR4), and Fifth (AR5) Assessment Reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) for the near-term projections of near-surface (2 m) air temperature changes in China. Those models are revealed to be skillful in projecting the subsequent climatology and trend of the temperature changes in China during 2002–2018 from several to ten years ahead, with higher scores for the climatology than for the trend. The model projections display cold biases against observations in most of China, while the nationally averaged trend is overestimated by TAR models during 2002–2018 but underestimated by AR4 models during 2008–2018. For all emission scenarios, there is no obvious difference between the equal- and unequal-weighted averages based on the arithmetic averaging and reliability ensemble averaging method respectively, however the uncertainty range of projection is narrowed after weighting. The near-term temperature projections differ slightly among various emission scenarios for the climatology but are largely different for the trend.
The crucial responses and policy decisions for climate change are mainly aimed at specific regions, and thus particular emphasis should be given to assessments of the skill of regional climate change projections. This retrospective investigation is very important to continually strengthen our confidence in the near-term projections of regional climate changes that prominently affect our environment and ultimately our lives.
Hu, D., D. Jiang*, Z. Tian, and X. Lang, How skillful was the projected temperature over China during 2002−2018? Science Bulletin, 2022, 67(10), 1077−1085.