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Research Progress北极海冰对欧亚春季极端高温事件的影响及预报价值
Influence and prediction value of Arctic sea ice for spring Eurasian extreme heat event
Since the 21st century, the frequency of spring Eurasian extreme heat events (EHE) has increased, having devastating influence on the ecosystems and human health. In this study, we demonstrate that the winter sea ice anomalies over the Barents-Kara Seas dominate the leading mode of interannual variation of spring extreme heat events over mid-to-high latitude Eurasia in the recent two decades. With faster decline rate and larger variability, the winter sea ice anomalies over the Barents-Kara Seas significantly enhance the troposphere-stratosphere interactions and further exert influence on the spring atmospheric circulations that favor the formation of Eurasian extreme heat events. Cross-validated hindcasts of the dipole mode index of spring extreme heat events using winter sea ice anomalies over the Barents-Kara Seas yield a correlation skill of 0.71 over 2001–2018, suggesting that nearly 50% of its variance could be predicted one season in advance.
Sun, J., Liu, S., Cohen, J. et al. Influence and prediction value of Arctic sea ice for spring Eurasian extreme heat events. Commun Earth Environ 3, 172 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1038/s43247-022-00503-9