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Research Progress基于卫星遥感数据集揭示青藏高原海拔依赖性变暖
Revisiting Recent Elevation‐Dependent Warming on the Tibetan Plateau Using Satellite‐Based Data Sets
竺南中心(郭东林、孙建奇)、清华大学(阳坤)、朴次茅斯大学(Nick Pepin)、南京信息工程大学(徐永明)研究人员,利用多种卫星数据集(2m气温、地表温度、雪盖、白天和夜间的云量),对2001–2015年青藏高原海拔依赖性变暖进行了综合研究。
这些结果可为认识高山区海拔依赖性及其机理提供了重要依据。相关成果在JGR: Atmos.期刊发表。
Satellite data, characterized by extensive regional coverage and
relatively high spatial resolution, have a distinct advantage for examining
elevation‐dependent warming (EDW) across rugged topography in mountain regions
where there are sparse in situ observations. Based on recent (2001–2015) comprehensive
satellite‐based data sets (2 m air temperature, land surface temperature, snow
cover, and daytime and nighttime cloud), this study finds that annual mean 2 m
air temperature warming rates show rapid decrease above 4,500 m despite
increasing from 2,000 to 4,500 m. This indicates a reversal in EDW at the
highest elevations on the Tibetan Plateau, which is somehow different from the
EDW derived from short‐term land surface temperature presented in earlier
research. The decrease of warming rate above 4,500 m coincides with the
elevation at which most of the current solid water resources reside. Thus,
their decline may be less rapid than previously thought. Trends in nighttime
cloud and snow cover are both correlated with patterns of EDW on the Tibetan
Plateau, but the leading factor varies on an annual and seasonal basis. These
results provide important evidence for understanding EDW and its controlling
mechanisms in an extreme high‐elevation context.
图4. 年平均气象站2m气温(黄色)和卫星2m气温(青色)趋势(2001–2015年),以及固体水资源(冰川、积雪、多年冻土)面积百分比随海拔的变化。趋势为每个海拔区间的平均值。右侧y轴的百分比计算如下:海拔区间内水资源面积÷整个高原(2000–8000m)水资源面积×100%。图顶部的数字为对应海拔区间的卫星象元总数。误差为95%信度区间。
Figure 4. Change of annual mean weather station 2 m air temperature (yellow bar) and satellite‐based 2 m air temperature (cyan bar) trends for 2001 to 2015 compared with the elevation distribution of solid water resources (glacial extent, snow, and permafrost areas). Trends are mean values over individual elevation bins. Percentages (right axis) are calculated as (water resource area in individual elevation bin)/(water resource area over the whole Tibetan Plateau: 2,000–8,000 m) × 100%. The number on the top of the figure is the number of satellite pixels in the corresponding elevation bin. Blue error bars are based on 95% confidence intervals around the mean.
Guo Donglin, Sun Jianqi, Yang Kun, Pepin Nick, Xu Yongming, 2019: Revisiting recent elevation‐dependent warming on the Tibetan Plateau using satellite‐based data sets. Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 124, 8511–8521.